100 algo-Kims & 100 algo-Kanyes
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West occupy a unique place in popular culture. In America, at least, it appears they fulfil the role of Royalty. Kanye West’s career is built on an unassailable sense of self-belief.…
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West occupy a unique place in popular culture. In America, at least, it appears they fulfil the role of Royalty. Kanye West’s career is built on an unassailable sense of self-belief.…
Approximately 4 million years ago, our ancestors adopted Bipedalism, freeing up their hands for more dexterous activities. However, in recent years, our sophisticated tool making skills have resulted in the creation of the smart phone.…
Like pretty much everyone in the developed world, I like to find things on the internet. The act of discovery is thrilling, and we like to think, informative (though one must wonder how to quantify…
Parody accounts are one of the prevailing cultural forms of Twitter. The combination of lazy anonymity and the 140-characters-of-wit format make it the perfect place to assume a character and play it out to a…
As we approach the election, it becomes apparent that the narrative landscape of politics has changed. In the past, the discourse was led by inky newspapers and the satirical sniping of broadcaster-sanctioned comedians. The last…