exhibitions painting

Private View at Tin Drum 1st November

I’m holding a private(ish) view at the Tin Drum next Thursday – I’ll be there [obviously] on hand to discuss any of the work on show. Still working on wangling some free booze, but it’s turning out to be tricky, so you may have to ask me nicely to buy you a drink…

2 thoughts on “Private View at Tin Drum 1st November”

  1. I don’t know if you remember, but I spent about an hour at shardcorner gawking at your work earlier this year. I have silly hair, we talked about Tesla and I promised to return the next day with friends & buy some prints. Something came up & I wasn’t able to come back, so if you do have any prints left over from the Open House I’d definitely be interested in buying some. I’m working in Cambridge at the moment, but I’ll try my best to get down to Brighton before this exhibition closes, and I’ll drag my friends along to the Drum as well. Keep up the good work.

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