Found in Translation
As I write, it is early 2024, and it feels like “AI” has very much gone overground. For a lot of people, this means playing with generative systems for producing images (and rudimentary videos) from…
As I write, it is early 2024, and it feels like “AI” has very much gone overground. For a lot of people, this means playing with generative systems for producing images (and rudimentary videos) from…
cohen, cave, bush, dick, crowley, falkous, bosch, diggs, ballard, borges, dali, bacon, nietzsche, Hopper, sartre, newton, prince, plath, von hagens, albini, houellebecq, basquiat, khalo, machiavelli, freud, ouspensky, marx, van gogh, hawking, orwell, o’keeffe, monroe, man…
I am fascinated by CLIP guided neural interpretations of text. There’s something delightful about the interplay between the metaphorical language of poetry and the dream-like hallucinations of the net. Some of the lines produced amazing…
These cryptid currencies are produced by a GAN trained on approximately 5000 banknotes from across the world. A cryptid is an animal that exists in folklore, but has yet to be scientifically proven to exist…
If you’ve got an hour to spare, you could spend it listening to me talk about #deepfake, synthetic media and why you shouldn’t believe everything you see.
I’ve been tinkering with Unity as a tool for film-making. I am amazed at the power of realtime gaming systems to generate filmic imagery. This experiment takes the opening paragraphs of War of the Worlds…
“Ozymandias” Percy Shelley Shelley’s famous poem is an ode to hubris, something that Mr Johnson possesses in spades. The music a piece I wrote some years ago, about cell death called Senesence. I met a…
Jackanory ran on BBC television from 1965 until 1996, and was a cornerstone of childhood for anyone raised in the UK between those years. The format was simple: an actor would read a book in…