Found in Translation
As I write, it is early 2024, and it feels like “AI” has very much gone overground. For a lot of people, this means playing with generative systems for producing images (and rudimentary videos) from…
As I write, it is early 2024, and it feels like “AI” has very much gone overground. For a lot of people, this means playing with generative systems for producing images (and rudimentary videos) from…
The vast majority of current artistic activity around AI systems is in the visual domain. However, tools are arriving daily which operate in different domains. One area I find particularly fascinating is speech and music…
My presentation: “The Death of the Author, AI and the future of writing” from #copycon21
Just over seven years ago, I created a generative work called ‘Machine Imagined Art‘, based on the then recently released data set from The Tate. The system uses the ontology from the Tate data, and…
After a small amount of consideration, I joined LinkedIn, the social network for business. Mostly because I’d heard it is a hotbed of self-indulgent personal-brand-development – which I find fascinating and horrific in equal measure.…
Jackanory ran on BBC television from 1965 until 1996, and was a cornerstone of childhood for anyone raised in the UK between those years. The format was simple: an actor would read a book in…
My friend Matt Muir compiles a weekly newsletter of articles and links from across the internet (you really should subscribe). His prose style is distinct, and delightful, and the relatively short gobbets of text readily…
I’m old enough to remember Tony Blair coming to power in 1997. The country ebullient at the thought of a left-leaning leader after 18 years of Tory rule. I also remember his inevitable fall from…
I recently had the pleasure at speaking at ‘Adventures on the edge of culture‘ with John Higgs, Melinda Gebbie, Alan Moore and others. I wanted to create a new algorithmic work which could be distributed…
Artificial intelligence is often measured up against human intelligence, and human intelligence is generally considered to be a sober, level headed sort of intelligence. The kind of intelligence one would expect from a human operating…