
Who's afraid of The Big Society?

For this year’s White Night The Fortunecats cast themselves as a Government Think Tank, investigating attitudes to ‘The Big Society’. Using The Bee’s Mouth Bar as our venue, we proceeded to interview and categorise the population of Brighton.

Subjects were interviewed on camera, and their responses streamed live to a projection in the basement. While the subjects gave their answers, they were scored on their Compliance, Morality, Contentedness and Deviance.

After the interview finished, the subjects were classified into one of six types, and offered suggestions as to their potential roles in The Big Society.
Click the images below to read the guides given to the interviewees after classification.


We interviewed 85 subjects over the course of the evening, which were categorised in the following proportions:

Though the chart may appear to indicate a larger proportion of type two’s, the difference was found to be statistically insignificant.

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