Congregation painting

Pixellated Self (2010)

Finally getting around to uploading my paintings for Congregation 2010. Here’s the first of two self portraits. acrylic on canvas 762mm x 1062mm Part of my reasoning behind assuming the pseudonym ‘shardcore’ was provide a…

Congregation painting

Pride (2009)

In contemporary society, pride occupies a strange place betwixt vice and virtue. More often we talk of being ‘proud of who we are’ or ‘proud of our achievements’ in virtuous terms rather than admonishing others…

Congregation painting

Kindness (2009)

As part of my collaboration with Sam Hewitt on the subject of sins and virtues, I have painted my daughter, with her cat Wolfgang for the virtue of ‘kindness’ Kindness is the ultimate social lubricant.…

Congregation painting

Chastity (2009)

Chastity is a pretty unpopular virtue. Outside of the seminary, there are few humans who choose the role of sexual abstinence. Though I’m told it’s popular these days amongst a certain subset of American teenagers.…